From a regular maintenance diets to specific prescription diets for allergies, medical conditions, weight loss & picky eaters, we can help you find the right food for your pet.
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Diagnostic Imaging
Ultrasounds can be used to detect or assess: Pregnancies, Foreign Bodies, Heart function, Some Tumours or any changes to certain internal organs.
Specialist Exotics Consultation/Care
Within the veterinary field, an exotic pet is considered to be anything that is not a dog or cat.
At 2F4P Veterinary Hospital Dubai, we have 3 dedicated patient wards for Dogs, Cats and Exotic Patients, ensuring that your pet’s stay with us is as comfortable & stress-free as possible.
General Consultation
Generally, people bring their pet for a consultation when there is a specific concern.
Heat Stroke Basic First Aid
Whether it is your first Summer in Dubai or you’ve had a lot of experience with the kind...
Young Pet Owners
We are always very happy when young pet owners join their families & pets to visit us...